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Welcome to the MSFS 2020 Tasmanian VOR Competition


The Competition

So, you believe you can fly IFR/VFR at the same time? If so, then we lay down this unique challenge to prove your skills in a Textron Aviation Cessna 172 Skyhawk with the Garmin G1000 Navigation System. Here is a challenge that will stretch your limits with VOR navigation discovering the incredible Tasmanian Scenery.

Be the first to complete it correctly to win!


The first correct entry will receive “One Months” Membership to our site. Here you are free to download over $60’s worth of content and Bush tours. Most of it from this beautiful state. You will also be able to request personalised scenery of a place you love to fly over, even if it's just your home!

Three runners up will be given a choice of any one of our premium scenery files.


In this challenge you will fly from various small airstrips in remote locations and in the process, capture the beautiful scenery Tasmania has to offer. Although you may not have the Tasmanian suite of airports offered by us, We have provided populated airstrips to enhance the experience.


This challenge focuses on your piloting skill and abilities with the VOR navigation system. What makes it more challenging is that there are only two DME equipped VORs available in Tasmania so some legs will require accurate direction control when leaving a VOR radial as well as accurate turn rate and speed control if you are to follow the route religiously. Beware, it’s easy to get lost in Tasmania!

We have not provided the Airstrip names as this would make it easy to use just GPS. The only one exception is the starting point at Cambridge Aerodrome (YCBG).

As part of the challenge package, we have supplied a pre-programmed flight file (.flt) with the both VOR frequencies set up and your initial bearings entered. The download includes the required scenery containing the information boards and populated airstrips.

You will need to store the flight files and scenery files on your computer/console as described below.

The scenery file should be stored here:

C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community

The flight file should be stored here:

C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState

Note this may vary depending on your installation.

If you are successful in completing this great challenge. Record the codes in the order that you have acquired them.

For example


Email the code string to the email address provided on the final board. The winners will be notified by email and announced on the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (Asobo Studio) facebook page. facebook page

Have fun, enjoy and I’m sure you will keep the challenge for future practice in your own plane!



Would you like to discuss anything about the competition? Please use the form below.